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Author Topic: Scratch King of the Hill, Riverwalk
Posts: 1
Post Scratch King of the Hill, Riverwalk
on: May 22, 2013, 15:06

Hey guys, we're looking to start up some SCRATCH excitement with great prize money. It would be king of the hill, at the remodeled Riverwalk lanes and games in Amesbury MA. The night so far is not definitely determined although I would like to run it on a Monday to keep everyones weekends for their families and summertime enjoyment. Cost will be no more than $25.00 per entry, we'll have optional sidepools too i'm sure. cost per string is under $3.00, and it's scratch no dancing behind handicap... need some feedback and if you are interested and want to participate send us a message online or call or text us, it will be a lot of fun if we get some big turnouts!!!! This will be a weekly event, so there's no waiting a month if you want to come back to give it another run!


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